Saturday 10 March 2018

The Best Hit

The Best Hit

The Best Hit
Genre:                                                  Episodes: 16                                         Year: 2017

In 1993, Yoo Hyun Jae, a popular member of a successful boy group travels forward in time to 2017. In the modern time, Hyun Jae learns that he mysteriously disappeared in 1994.

Yoon Shi Yoon (Yoo Hyun Jae)
Lee Se Young (Choi Woo Seung)
Kim Min Jae (Lee Ji Hoon)
Cha Tae Hyun (Lee Gwang Jae)
Yoon Son Ha (Hong Bo Hee)
Dong Hyun Bae (MC Drill)
Lee Deok Hwa (Lee Soon Tae)
Hong Kyun Min (Paark Young Jae)
Chae Eun Woo (MJ)
Bona (Do Hye Ri)

General Thoughts:
I put off writing this review the way I put off finishing this drama- and for the same reason. This drama is so, so, so, so, so insanely boring. How can you have two comedic goldmines in Yoon Shi Yoon and Cha Tae Hyun and not have an outlandishly hilarious show?
Why are you so unfunny, show?
It’s not like the show didn’t have anything to work with- we started with interesting characters, a intriguing time-travel plot and a fairly talented cast. But it just…wasn’t what I expected it to be. I wonder if this show was funnier to its Korean audience, because a couple of times I did feel like the show was being funny but I just totally didn’t get it.
The kiss gag was fun, but it did make me nervous that there'd be a romance
I also fail to see how this was a ‘variety-drama hybrid’ (which is what is was marketed as), as really it was exactly the same as a regular drama. I was looking forward to a sort of mockumentary style similar to ‘Producers’ (which I found hilarious), but instead it had nothing in it that made it stand out from other comedy dramas. To be fair, at first the humour was pretty good, and I found myself enjoying the show, but as the storyline progressed (and the fun at Hyun Jae flailing around in the future faded) the show’s humour seemed to fall away. The antagonistic relationship between Hyun Jae and Gwang Jae was annoying rather than funny- I would have much preferred a long-lost bromance dynamic similar to ‘Tunnel’, and the love triangle between the father and son just kind of creeped me out. There were some fun moments to be mined from the situation while Hyun Jae didn’t know that Ji Hoon was his son or that his son was also crushing on Woo Seung, but as soon as he found out the whole situation just weirded me out.
This is the most uncomfortable love triangle I've ever been subjected to
Ji Hoon himself was just far too serious to be funny, and I thought Gwang Jae was a touch to whiny and butt-hurt and wasn’t funny either. And Bo Hee was just kinda super useless. Grandad and Mal Sook were always pretty fun, and I tended to always enjoy their snippets on screen- like when Grandad tried to buy off the young boy in exchange for not playing with Mal Sook anymore. I also found MC Drill pretty fun.
He also made Ji Hoon fun which is an added bonus
Though I do wish his character had some serious scenes or moments of character development, at least he could be relied upon to be consistently funny. At first I though Dong Hyun Bae was going a little over the top with his character’s representation, but as the show and his character found their groove, he acted quite well. I also appreciated that he didn’t shy away from being labelled as Tayang’s older brother- the scene of him bursting into ‘Eyes, Nose, Lips’ was just hilarious. Dong Hyun Bae actually reminds me a bit of Kang Ki Young (who is fabulous), and I hope he continues acting and expanding his range. Kim Min Jae as the other half of the duo I usually like, but he’s starting to fall into the trap of playing the same sorts of characters. His role here was really quite similar to the prickly guy with a soft spot for his girl that he played in ‘Because It’s the First Time’ and was even a bit similar to the entitled young King he played in ‘Goblin’. I know that he’s a good actor, but I wish he’d be a bit braver in the projects he chooses and step outside his comfort zone a bit.
You can do better than this Min Jae-ah
Yoon Shi Yoon was of course fabulous, but I did find his character pretty annoying. Yoon Shi Yoon’s natural charm only just managed to make Hyun Jae a likeable character. And I thought the leading lady Lee Se Young was just bad.
Not really a fan of these characters. Super not a fan of their love-line
Similarly to Hyun Jae, her character was super annoying, and Lee Se Young just didn’t have the charm or charisma to make up for that. Woo Seung was grouchy and often unapproachable, and was petty and selfish to boot. The character was simply boring and poorly written- with her having nothing more to do than simply be around as something for Hyun Jae and Ji Hoon to disagree over and fight about. Actually that pretty much wraps up the story as a whole. I kept waiting for the big reason that Hyun Jae time travelled to the future (was it to find the money? Discover who killed him? Spend time with his son?), but it turns out that…um…yeah there’s really no reason. He just sort of comes to the future, mucks around a bit, and then steals his son’s crush. Yeah man, what the hell? The fact that the whole story just came down to an immature romance really sucked. For most of the show’s run, Ji Hoon and Gwang Jae didn’t even want Hyun Jae around, and in the end, his trip to the future didn’t change anything.
If fate or destiny or whatever was gonna propel him through time you'd think there'd be a good reason for it
Nothing in the past altered, and nothing in the future really changed either except that now Ji Hoon has no chance with Woo Seung. Ji Hoon and Drill would have debuted through
An actual expression! You've come a long way since 'To Be Continued'
World Entertainment without Hyun Jae coming to the future, so all he really did was help sign MJ. Who was a significantly smaller character than I would have liked. Unlike most of the other characters, MJ did tend to be quite funny. Cha Eun Woo has improved a lot- there was actual believable emotion on his face! I would have liked MJ to be a bit more involved in the story. In fact, I would have liked ALL the characters to be a bit more involved in the story, as most of what we got was Hyun Jae and Woo Seung which was weird and boring. There were all these other smaller plot lines in the works that just weren’t developed, and left the story as a whole feeling rather one-dimensional. The drama lacked the heart and emotional core that shows about close friends and family usually have, and I blame that entirely on focusing too much on the romance. Oh and the characters just being generally sucky.

What Was Great:

I really only kept watching for Yoon Shi Yoon (and the fact that I hate leaving dramas unfinished). He did a great job trying to drag this dead drama along, and a couple of times he actually got me to care about what was going on in the story.
Oppa~ let's pick better projects now, okay?
He did a pretty good job at building the romance, because Lee Se Young didn’t really help him there. He was flamboyant without being unrealistic and brought his dramatic charm to a character that otherwise could have been too haughty and arrogant. I adored Yoon Shi Yoon’s ‘90s style and he pulled it off surprisingly well. 

What Wasn’t:

Kinda Gross OTP:
I just couldn’t get into the love-line of this drama. Not at all. It’s an awkward time skip to include a romance. In fact, because of the amount of time that had passed,
Does it not weird you out at all that he's actually your best friend's father?
I really wasn’t expecting there to be a main romance at all- because it just wouldn’t make a lot of sense. It would either be Hyun Jae with Bo Hee- who was now old enough to be his mother and was raising their son with another man, or with Woo Seung who was the same age as his son and was in fact the woman his son was in love with. It’s just weird either way. Most time travel dramas that work in a romance can do so because the time between the two timelines is so great- I’m talking hundreds or thousands of years. So you don’t really picture one of the characters being significantly older than the other- you just go off their biological age, which is usually pretty similar (think ‘Queen In Hyun’s Man’). But by having such a small amount of time between the timelines (a mere 24 years) everything changes. Because there are people that the hero knows in both timelines, it seems creepy for him to get into any sort of romantic relationship. Because Woo Seung was the same age as his son, I found it super icky that Hyun Jae would even consider her in a romantic sense. I know they’re technically the same age, but it still kinda grossed me out.'s not cute. It's just creepy.

Kinda Boring:
Because I was so disengaged from the main romance, as soon as the drama started centring its story around the love-line between Hyun Jae and Woo Seung, I just wasn’t all that interested.
Why does she get so much screen time? Just why?
Due to being so weirded out by the whole relationship, I struggled to find their interactions fun or cute, and as a result, their scenes together just became boring. And there were SO many scenes of them together.
What a stupendous waste of time
As I mentioned before, as the romance took centre stage, everything else in the drama just fell away. We didn’t really discover what happened regarding Hyun Jae’s disappearance, and when we did it sucked. What- he wanted to secretly die rather than let people know he had an illness? That’s possibly one of the stupidest things I’ve heard in K-Drama. And I’ve heard some pretty stupid things. Gwang Jae and Bo Hee’s romance was brushed over super fast and even Ji Hoon’s dreams of becoming a singer and his debut were just glossed over at the end. I tend to like my dramas to have some kind of meaning- not necessarily deep meaning, but at least have things happen for a reason. There were so many directions this drama could have taken, and in the end it opted for a sporadic series of events that revolved around an awkward romance.

Nah. Nothing was really done all that well- not the time travel nor the love-line.
I recommend not watching this drama

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